Zolder.App Open Beta

Zolder.App Open Beta

We launched the final beta release to the Google and Apple appstores. Any business running on Microsoft 365 is more...

Zolder.App LIVE Presentations

Zolder.App LIVE Presentations

During #CES2021 we will host a daily LIVE event in Microsoft Teams – OPEN FOR ALL, so also available for...

#CES2021 – We Are Ready!

#CES2021 – We Are Ready!

We are very excited to be part of the #CES2021NL mission! Meet us at CES (Januari 11-14) in our online...

Azure App Consent Policies

Azure App Consent Policies

OAuth consent phishing has been on the rise for a while now. Unsurprisingly, Microsoft has gradually introduced measures to protect from this type of attack. Latest: Risk-Based Step-Up Consent.

Honeytokens using Azure Keyvaults

Honeytokens using Azure Keyvaults

In 2017 Wesley and I gave a presentation at SHA2017 about honey/pot/tokens. We actually planned on building a fully fledged...

Risk of exposed home automation services

Risk of exposed home automation services

At home, I am automating many things for fun. Currently I am using Home Assistant, an incredibly powerful piece of...

Risk of exposed home automation services

Wij staan klaar voor jouw cybersecurity vraag!

Heeft jouw organisatie een specifieke onderzoeksvraag? Of vragen over onze diensten? We denken graag met jullie mee. Neem contact met ons op om de mogelijkheden verder te bespreken.