Hacking the traffic light of the future

Hacking the traffic light of the future

Nowadays we are connecting everything we can think of to the internet. Usually to make our lives easier or more comfortable. Some of the new upcoming innovations are related to making our traffic smart with the goal to improve safety, comfort and the traffic flow. We dived into this technology to analyze the inner workings and identify potential security risks.

Detect lateral movement with Azure Sentinel

Detect lateral movement with Azure Sentinel

Lately we have been setting up a the production network for our Zolder.App service. The network consists of multiple segments separated by a firewall. As an addition we wanted to add monitoring features into the network. If an attacker is in our network, we would like to get a notification.

Detecting BEC fraud using Azure Sentinel

Detecting BEC fraud using Azure Sentinel

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Fraud inflicts the most damage of all types of cybercrime, according to the FBI. How to detect such attacks using Azure Sentinel? Rik shares some actual possibilities.

Phishing aftercare

Phishing aftercare

This blog is part of our Office 365 attack & defense series. We also maintain a Github page where we...


Inside a phishing panel

Dutch and Belgium citizens are receiving phishing attacks every day. But how does that exactly work?


Office 365 – Exchange rules

This blog is part of our Office 365 attack & defense series. We also maintain a Github page where we...

Office 365 – Exchange rules

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